When it comes to parenting I am the one who tends to be more strict than Bill. I often tell him that I don't want to be the bad guy all the time. Other moms tell me that it just comes with the roll we have taken on as Mothers. Lately my heart has been softer and more tender when it comes to these three little friends of mine. A few month ago I was upset about something and I was trying to discipline one of the kids. I was looking at Bill to back me up, and in his way he kind of let them off the hook. This of course didn't go over to well with me, so when we had a moment alone I told him that he doesn't always have to be their friend and that it is okay to say NO sometimes. Do you know what he said back to me? He told me that it is okay to be their friend and I don't have to be their enemy. Those words hit me HARD!!! It made me cry at first and then it made me wake up! He didn't say it to be mean, he was trying to make a point. I 'm not sure why I am sharing this with my blogging friends. I guess because it made an impact on me. I love my children more than I can even express. I think I go through my routine each day trying to feed, cloth, protect, drop off, pick up and do all the mother things mothers do and I sometimes forget to stop and enjoy the ride. I am so blessed to have three beautiful, healthy, intelligent, funny, wonderful people that I get to share my life with everyday. My heart has been so full lately, and I am so thankful for my friends.
1 week ago
That's why it takes two to parent. Fathers have a different perspective than mothers and kids need both sides. We have this same conversation here.
Teresa you are an amazing, caring mom and you share love, humor, kindness and yes discipline and structure with your kids. But don't be too hard on yourself. Enjoy the balance!
I love you and your honesty Miss Teresa. I love that you are teachable. I just get mad at Jon when he tells me how to parent. He hates when I make him the bad guy too.
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